[Decarb Fast Track Testimonial] Marcegaglia: Instilling an Energy Perspective and Exploring New Possibilities

Marcegaglia testimonial Decarb Fast Track

Marcegaglia, founded in Italy in 1959, is one of the world leaders of steel production.

Francesco Bragagni, Energy Manager at Marcegaglia in Italy, shared why he decided to become a Pioneer of the Decarb Fast Track program, and his experience so far.

Francesco Bragagni spoke to us about how the Decarb Fast Track program has:

- given the team a deeper understanding of their operations
- improved collaboration among stakeholders and created a community related to energy efficiency in their plants
- improved their energy efficiency, one of the fastest and concrete ways to decarbonize
- collected, analyzed, and linked data to optimize energy consumption

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Decarb Fast Track

METRON, Dalkia, BNP Paribas, and AWS joined forces to launch Decarb Fast Track, a European program that aims to save up to 100, 000 tons of CO2 and 10% of energy consumption by equipping industrial sites with energy management and optimization solutions.

On October 16th, 2024, the Pioneers of the Decarb Fast Track met for the second Pioneers Day: the annual in-person meeting where Pioneers and partners of the programme gather to discuss achievements, exchange best practices and prepare for the next steps.